Win up to £1000 in our 200 Club

Help support Strathcarron Hospice and at the same time take part in a monthly draw that could see you winning cash prizes. From £100 to £1000 – a chance to win every month!

How to Join

By joining the 200 Club, you make a commitment to pay £5 per month for each chance by standing order. For every £5 you contribute, you will be allocated a personal number which will be entered in each monthly draw. There are no limits to the number of times you can enter or win. A great way to help the Hospice and help your pocket too. 

 Sign up now

The winners of the March draw are as follows


 number 130

£500 70
£100 332
£100 764
£100 137
£100 357
£100 1497
£50 926
£25 1065
£25 1312