The AHP (Allied Health Professionals) rehab team comprises occupational therapists, physiotherapists, and rehab assistant.  There is also access to a speech and language therapist.  

An important part of living with a life limiting condition is staying as independent and active as possible. The AHP team can provide advice and education to support you to do this, and can teach you techniques to deal with symptoms such as breathlessness and fatigue.  

 The AHP Team works with patients who are admitted to the in-patient unit who need support to reach their potential with day to day activities; and to help them return home as quickly as possible if that’s what’s important to them.   

 The team also works with patients in the community who need support to maximise their wellbeing, safety and independence in their own homes for as long as possible.   

 In addition, the team provides virtual education programmes on fatigue management, falls and physical activity support to patients in the community via a series of interactive educational sessions on a digital platform. 

Occupational Therapy   

Human beings like to be doing things and have a purpose. Lack of occupation and purpose can have a negative influence on our wellbeing. 

Occupational therapy enables people to participate as fully as possible in daily life.  Occupational therapists are interested in anything that occupies people’s time.  Daily life is made up of many occupations (or activities). Occupations are all the things you need to do or want to do, and may include self-care activities (walking, getting dressed, washing etc), productivity activities (cleaning, cooking, laundry, paid or voluntary work), or leisure activities (hobbies, socialising).  

Life limiting illnesses can disrupt people’s ability to carry out their usual occupations.  This may be due to symptoms such as pain, fatigue, poor sleep, anxiety, and immobility.  Your occupational therapist can help establish what is important to you and identify the reasons for this disruption.  Adapting the task or method of carrying out activities can increase people’s independence and sense of wellbeing.


We have an on-site Speech and Language Therapist who has excellent links with our NHS partners. If you are finding it difficult to talk or swallow because of your illness, the SLT can support you. 

Maintaining and supporting communication

The SLT can help you to find the best way to get your message across. This might be through speech or through other means (for example, a hi-tech communication system, an alphabet chart or a symbol book). The SLT will work with you, your family and other members of the team to find the best way to support you to communicate so you can express your views and take part in decision making. The SLT may help your family learn strategies to support you or may help the Hospice team make adjustments to the environment to support you to participate as much as you can. 

Eating and Drinking

If you are having difficulties with swallowing, the SLT may carry out an assessment to find out how you are managing, and what might help. This will be done in close collaboration with the Nursing team as well as the other AHPs.  

Rehab assistant  

Our rehab assistant supports the whole team and is often the person that will get to know you best.  Rehabilitation assistants carry out treatment plans designed by the physiotherapists, occupational therapists, and speech-language therapist. They work alongside you to help you achieve the things that are important to you.